My favorite thing

 The Guitar

My Guitar (really  are 2 jaja)

In 2008 my parents gave me my firts guitar, that was 3/4 ( i mean, it was small), they gave me that because my sister play the guitar, so they thought maybe i wanted learn too.

In 2014 my parents gave me my guitar 4/4, her name is Alma ( i don´t know why, but i liked this name).

It's played doing chords (weird positions with the fingers) with the left hand (right if you're left handed), and with the right hand strums the strings.

Now i play guitar sometimes, because i'm so busy with the university,  i lost practice, and my level it's not what it was, when i was in the Liceo i played so much because i was in a music club, and us group it was named "Los duraznitos cosmicos" ( it was my fault, I should never have let Matias speak). If you want, i can tell the story of the name in the comments.

I liked because thank to her i met important people for me, friends, my boyfriend, one of the best teachers i had, i lived experiences very beautiful of which I am proud, for example: play guitar and sing for more than 2000 people, with my group we were the opening act for Noche de Brujas. When i play i feel I flourish, or that I can float.

The guitar opened me door to many things and i'm so grateful.

I think my life without it would be so empy because the music it's part of me, it's beauty and fellings, my guitar represent everything for me, and if i lost her one day, i would cry,  because it has a history and precious memories.

My baby 


  1. Hi! I also have a guitar and the feeling that gives you when playing is very nice and peaceful

  2. hi, your feelings with the guitar are really beautiful, i hope you can play it more, and you can feel and know more the world with you guitar. :)

  3. I like the stories behind your guitars, meeting people with the same tastes or just meeting people, it's nice, it allows us to know different stories and different realities

  4. Hi! I know how you feel now that you don't play the guitar too much because I play an instrument too and it's so sad.

  5. Hello Elisabet!. I really admire people who have a talent for playing instruments! I would very much like to learn one day uwu

  6. 😍😍 I love it, I sold my guitar and I miss it so much :(

  7. I love the design of your guitar, I like that parents give instruments to their children when something appeals to them.


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